Vår resa genom delar av Europa sommaren 2024 gick genom Tyskland,Frankrike,
Schweiz och Italien och sista stoppet i detta vackra land var Venedig.
Planen ...
5 Dicas de decoração com parede de tijolinho
A decoração com parede de tijolinho é uma tendência que nunca sai de moda,
trazendo um toque rústico, industrial ou até mesmo moderno aos ambientes.
I'm popping in--as they say on Instagram Stories-to give you a
quick synopsis of the month. I don't have much time so you won't have to
read the norm...
A Fond Farewell
I am writing today to say farewell to blogging.
I have loved this blog.
I started *The Shabby Nest* in 2008, and it has been a source of joy, it
has prov...
Bokep Orang tua Riandha
Kelompok yang kuminta merupakan Orang tua Riandha berlaku seperti Challenge
Officer, sira kali ini berperan selaku Export Director beserta saya
Julstämning på hög nivå
Av Anna Truelsen *Foto Carina Olander*
I senaste numret av Leva o bo har Carina och jag med ett julreportage i
från Jenny och hennes familjs fina he...
a u t u m n
pic from a photoshoot for Lantliv
Hösten närmar sig med stormsteg och det är faktiskt riktigt skönt. Det
känns som man hinner med mer under hösten och...
Into Ocean
*”My river runs to thee- Blue sea.”*
*Emily Dickinsen*
A large expanse of sea.
Saltwater covering the earth. A great stream encircling earth....
[Arredare piccoli spazi] Industriale e nordico
Non c'è nulla da fare, quando si tratta di arredare piccole case lo stile
nordico, minimale e luminoso ha decisamente una marcia in più.
Come questo...
Not an Irish Lass
I have been told there is a chance I may only have a wee bit of Irish in me.
You would never guess that.
GREEN is the 2nd most dominant color ...
*French Larkspur Group Tour:*
Vintage shopping plus a guided tour
of some of the most beautiful villages in the world
*Provence, France*
Hosted by...
Gunung Dengan Savana Terindah di Indonesia
Berfoto dengan latar padang savana atau padang rumput yang luas tentu akan
membuat foto tersebut makin terlihat eye catching. Tak hanya enak di foto,
Hallo, ihr Lieben, wie bereits angekündigt hat mich das Grau des neu
gestalteten Schlafzimmers (siehe letzter Post) so sehr begeistert, dass ich
A way overdue notice about my new website!
Well this is embarrassing! I probably should have mentioned this sooner
(and it would explain the terrible lack of posting here) but my blog has a
new hom...
*Our local calendars by Emay Images are back in stock :-)*
*These calendars are so popular at Christmas time as they make the perfect
gift. They are easy t...
An Armoire By Any Other Name Is...
Is just an armoire? I think not...they can be SO MANY things! The dear
folks at Chairish ask me to share some ideas for organizing an armoire in
style. So...
Heeej, hur har ni det?
Själv njuter jag av semester och lata dagar just nu.
Som ni kanske märkt har jag varit frånvarande här på bloggen.
I början av april...
Hej på dig.
Om nån av någon outgrundlig anledning skulle kika in på den här bloggen
numer så ville jag bara tala om att att nu på Lördag den 6/6 så så har ...
Nach langer Abwesenheit.
Hallo allerseits!
Yeap, ich habe es geschafft und endlich wieder hier.
Nachdem ich in den letzten Wochen durch Abwesenheit geglänzt habe,
freue ich mich ...
A Place That Beckons
*At the beach, life is different. *
*Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. *
*We live by currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun. *
*~ ...
A before and after.
This summer I had the opportunity to help transform a house that has sat
vacant for over 5 years. It was a monster of a project: a home just under
5,000 s...
A Meditation on the Golden Days of September
In late summer prairie plants native to my part of the world have their
time to shine.
Fields are ablaze with goldenrods and sun flowers, interspersed with...
Its been too long...
It's been about a year since I last blogged which is really incredible when
I think about how much I truly enjoyed it in the past. Unfortunately, I
had se...
Lovely handmade da {Cream Life}
Tutti ormai conoscete Paola, il suo *blog *e il suo bellissimo shop on line *"Cream
Si possono trovare degli oggetti meravigliosi per le nostre ca...
New Things, New York & Happy New Year
*Hello. Happy New Year. How is it March already? I know its a cliché but
time really does fly. **We've had a nice start to 2014. Some good
Green Barn Antiques
It's still winter here in Southern Ontario.
Cold, snowy but thankfully very sunny.
We are having quite a winter. So much snow we are running out
of places ...
Overdue Update
So here is an update of some of the projects I completed in the second half
of 2013 that didn't make it to the pages of this blog..... until now.
# e-magDECO : A simple, uncluttered nest
When a renovation consolidates a couple and transforms a small house in a
picturesque village in the surrounding area of Uzès into a cozy,
uncluttered nest...
The Start of Something New ...
Hello friends! I hope this post finds you all well and happy!
Well it has been what seems like forever since I last visited Blogger. For
many reasons, I ...
The First Time.
On Sunday afternoon my little man went to a hockey game for the first time.
I think a love of hockey is in the DNA of every Canadian.
The popcorn and...
A blogging break
40 days. It was an accident, mind you, the 40 day break and by no means has
it been a spiritual quest, just merely coincidental. I happened to notice
Do "I'm Failing" Stories Make Us More Likeable?
This post by the fabulous Kelle Hampton is EXACTLY what I've been feeling
As women, self-deprecation is the name of the game, but isn't negativit...
Tea anyone?
Thought I'd share with you another reason I love Aldi.
A cute Tetley tea tin for only $4.99.
Love the message on it.
It came with teabags and now sits prou...
DIY: Chalkboard Cheese Platter
For the Oscars this year, the husband & I decided it would be fun to dress
up and have a little wine & cheese party! I saw this image on Pinterest and
Hej alla fina!
Hur har ni det i julstressen? Jag är nu på väg in till sista arbetsdagen
inför 17 dagars ledighet, känns helt fantastiskt. Ska bli så mysig...
MOVING ON... selling some pieces
*Hello everyone! I can't believe how long it's been since I last
blogged... oh my goodness, the time*
*has flown by! I haven't even had any time to visi...
Summer vacation begins with trip to antique fair
We kicked off our first weekend of summer vacation with a trip to the
local antique fair that takes place once a year. I took my mom, the kids
and hubby w...
{Sun Prints Inspired by Nature}
Good Morning!!
How are you!?!?!?
It was a spectacular morning yesterday!
The kind of morning that just makes my soul sing:)
I poured my morning cup of joe...
Helg & roser
Da er fredagen her igjen, og vi er allerede kommet langt uti mai! Denne og
sist uke har det gått mye i hagearbeid, og vi har fått sådd det som skal
home made finger paint
I've seen this recipe for home made finger paint all over Pinterest and
thought Nohl and I would give it a whirl today. Luckily, we had all the
Just a reminder
Hey guys! I'm posting over at my new blog, Refreshed Decor from now on.
Come on over and see what we've been up to!
[image: Photobucket]
Beach House News & A Cool Old Prep Table
So glad you stopped by today - grab a cup of my new favorite coffee,
Hazelnut....it's so good, and I'll show you what's been goin on around
here -
New Coffee Table
Before I painted the coffee table
I have absolutely 100% have LOVED everything and anything to do with Shabby
Chic, but I just couldn't get o...
Hudson's Bay Ottoman
I finally got around to opening my December House and Home magazine the
other night,and fell in love with this Rustic Retreat
Love at first sight! They had...
Chandeliers.....love them!!
Does everyone love chandeliers as much as i do? I know my friend Patricia
at White Cottage Chic loves them too - check out a recent post of hers
about Cha...
Stratis Vogiatzis – Inner World
This is part of Stratis Vogiatzis’s photographic work (can you feel the
by Harmoni og Kontrast.
Som words about Stratis Vogi...
I've got a brand new blog...and a giveaway!!
Yes, it is true...I finally did it!
After a year of plotting, planning, obsessing and second-guessing
myself...I have a new blog!
And the best part??....
Women are angels
Hello dear friends, here a quote i read and pass on to you:
" Women are angels and when someone breaks our wings our spirit or our
hearts, we simply contin...
Easy Ways to Bring Spring into Your Home
1) Switch out heavy fabrics, blankets and pillows for light weight cotton
and linen.
2) Clip blooms from your garden and display them in your home, or sp...
An Apple Lane Birthday Party.
This is my grandmother, she's like a mother to me. The name Apple Lane has
a special meaning for me, and she's the reason why. These photos are from
her bi...
This and that
Remember this post..? Well, I ordered this handmade pillow from Liane at
enhabiten... I think it's the perfect companion for our quilt in the spare
My Bunch of Florals
As per usual I can't stop at just one of something. My latest flame? I love
vintage framed pictures of roses and flowers. ( Don't forget about my
floral T...
1 comment:
So nice and summery! K xx
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