Living a simple and laid-back life in the city!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

~ Good Bye Canada, Hello....AOTEAROA!!!!

Hello Everyone!

What a pleasure to be back blogging! After a huge break from being here, I finally got some time to do it and here I am, sitting on the floor, with my computer on my lap, but just having tones of fun!
Now, after one year without blogging (but thinking a lot about you all, believe me!)I finally decided to come back, and for good!
I still don't know what I'll be doing here in New Zealand ( I mean, if I'll be painting furniture, selling crafts, who knows?) but one thing for sure: I'll be experiencing this amazing country, filled with lovely people, surrounded by nature and what a wonderful place for my family and I to be! :-)

We arrived a month ago, but for almost 3 weeks we didn't have internet at home (which was OK!). Then, we just had a few matresses on the floor, and a car to go around and explore a bit of Bay of Plenty, where we decided to live.
It was winter, and in fact, we had a few cold days here for us, even coming from Alberta, Canada.

Packing a whole house in Canada wasn't so bad, but the sad part was when we had to leave our puppies there and come here.
They stayed a month in Canada because they couldn't come regarding some tests they needed to do before departure but luckly I met an amazing girl from Melbourne, Australia, a few weeks before we left who offered to take care of them. I'm so blessed to have met Alana and what a lovely friend I've made!
Life is not complete without our doggies (if you love your pet, you know what I mean).  Now, they are already here in New Zealand, in Quarentine for 10 days, and we are counting the days to pick them up, which will be next Monday, September 19th. Yey!!!!!

So, here I am, in New Zealand!!!! Can you believe it?
We live in a life style block, that's how they call it here. Cool, hey?
Every country has a different way of saying that, but if you look up now and see the picture of my blog front page, the clothes hanging on the line, you know what I'm talking about. So, I'm living a country living style, for sure!!!
Soon I will buy some chickens, maybe some sheep (they are sooooo cute!) and become a real farm girl, ladies, very similar to the way I grew up and our 3 kids are having a blast here, enjoying so much every day, every moment.
Now, they wear uniforms, walk bearfoot, and sing Maori songs eveyday at school. What an experience!!!

So, dear friends, sorry for my absence... but I had so much to deal with over all this time and for me, when I come here is to give something good for you, and at all this year, I was really focused on things to happen with our move, so my mind was more into that than anything else.

Well, I'm back and here are some pics from my new world.

Thanks for all the comments while I was away from here, and even if you didn't make any comment, but just thought about me, I appreciated too!
The lovely energy that we share blogging is what make us to come back!

 Your friend, Li :-)

Picture taken from our varanda!

Lavander bush

Lovely neighbours :-)

Annikki saying "Hello" to them

Couldn't forget the beach...

only 15 minutes away from us :-)

Life is beautiful, it has to be!
Have a good one!
Li :-)


Achados de Decoração said...

querida, tudo bem?
espero que essa sua nova fase da vida seja ainda melhor na Nova Zelandia!

Natasha in Oz said...

How fabulous to see you are Down Under! It looks like are in a fabulous part of the country and I hope you have a great time!

You are certainly in NZ at the right time of year...have you been watching the rugby?!

Take care and welcome back!

Best wishes,

Ange said...

Dearest Li, I am so happy for you to have arrived in NZ. You know Tauranga is my hometown where I grew up, and I still have a sister and 3 nieces there, and many friends so I will be back there in the future and hopefully I will get to meet you in person!!! Did you end up in Katikati?
I love that your children are going barefoot, that's just how it should be when they are young:)
All the best,

raquel pedruzzi said...

Oi Li!
Que reviravolta na vida da família mudar de país! E os cachorrinhos também foram e logo estarão junto com vocês, como disse só quem tem amor a esses bichinhos sabe a falta que eles nos fazem!
Lindas as imagens do lugar onde estão morando na Austrália! As crianças parecem estar amando né?
Desejo que sejam muito felizes aí e que todos os projetos sejam realizados viu amiga?!
Um beijão e que bom que está de volta ao seu cantinho na blogosfera!!!

Susan Freeman said...

So beautiful. Looks like paradise!

Susan and Bentley

Deb said...

I've been wondering where you were, glad you're back! However did you end up in New Zealand???? lucky you.

Pet Sitting Mckinney said...

Love this blog, keep up the great work wish you all the best
Pet Sitting Mckinney

Jane said...

Hi Li I'm your newest happy follower and looking forward to seeing your adventures unfold. Happy days! J x

Denise said...

Lidice, que bom saber que vcs chegaram bem e que já estão aproveitando essa terra linda. Quando vier a Auckland não deixe de entrar em contato, vou adorar te conhecer pessoalmente. Um abração, Denise

Lexie Keady said...

I know what you mean, life is absolutely beautiful! I just left Canada for Melbourne - lots of amazing changes! I hope you and your family have a smooth and enjoyable time settling in.

Faded Plains said...

What a beautiful view...and I just love your neighbors.

Tatiana Doria said...

After reading you, I´m hooked! I´ll follow you. What an incredible experience you must be going through. Your new home looks wonderful, and it looks like a perfect place to raise your kids. Good luck!!!
I also have three children and I can´t imagine what it would be to move all of us and the house so far away, but Gosh, that place deserves the effort.
Nice meeting you.

carmem ribeiro said...

ola. muito prazer. meu nome ´carmem ,moro em imbé litoral do rio grande do sul, brasil.amei teu blog. meus filhos moraram na N.Zelandia, .espero que tu seja muito feliz na tua nova vida, por favor me escreve. meu email;

miabellavintage said...

Gee, I wondered where you went!

I used to have a blog called Cranberry Cottage and am from Vancouver Island.

Nice to see you in, that is quite the move! why? Can I ask?
